Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Our First ever Music Video!

With Grace G. De Leon...
Our one and only Artist...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It's been a while...

The last time I've heard about you, was the time you said I LIKE YOU!
I was amazed and did not knew what to do.
Am I going to show that you mean a lot to me too, or just let my pride ruin my gladness.
There's nothing new.
I end up being quiet and allowed the time passed without expressing how much you mean to me and how much I like you too!
After that moment..
I end up blaming my self.
Why did I let the opportunity wasted.

Reminiscing the moment with full of guiltiness.
My heart really broke that moment.
I was so blameless that moment.
I didn't knew how to react til I end up nothing...nothing...
I did loved you for almost 4 years.
Yet, end up realizing that, that was not LOVE afterall.
Because, if I did Loved you.
I should let you go.
It seems I'm putting my heart into jail and not attempting to escape!
HOw amazing moments I had during the time I'm desiring to have you in my life.
If I could only turn back the time.
Yet, everything was GOD's will!
How great is my GOD, how great is our GOD...
Amazing...When I met my Savior, all the pain was cured.
In just a moment...
I remember the time when I accepted HIM, that was also the time of new beginning...

I hope I encouraged your hearts through reading my diary...
And I hope, you will be encouraged also and come up realizing that everything happens because it's GOD's will.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

>>>>>>>>>>>Listen to this song and meditate on this!<<<<<<

For God so LOved the WOrld..yepee!!amazing!
Let's open our hearts and our minds to be enlightened!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Vector image!

What can you say about this?Actually I love it. The first I saw this image, I thought I cant trace it because it is so complicated, but then see, I did it! Amazing, I love to vector images now! I dont know this girl, its just that, I love her pose.

Friday, September 26, 2008

--========My First Project using Flash!========-----

Amazing..A great experienced!!
The first time I tried to use the Flash. I admit, I had difficulty in manipulating the tools. But then, Practiced made me my skills develop.--All I can say, amazing!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

--====Cute animation using Flash===----

Just wanna comment on this presentation!!
I like this..It is so cute..Amazing..
However, it is ahmm... so static, its obvious..
But its very good..
yes. of course its really hard to gather several pictures then coming up for just one motion..amaizing!!

exellent work..It's Colorful!!yeah!!
---======September 22-26======------

An animation using Flash...

----Nice animation,it seems, it's really a video and was editted only..amazing, but then it is more amazing if it has many objects, though its not simple to make....Actually I cannot cope its thought, because I first watched this presentation with no speakers at all..I just wanted to suggest that, hopefully when making a presentation it will be more understandable though there's no sounds at all..

Monday, September 22, 2008

---==========September 15-19=============---------

**********Cubes Clay Animation******************

Amazing animation!!
As You can see, this is a special animation given to a special person!
Good for a gift, a very surprising gift..

It seems that I'm the one who will receive this kind of video!!yepee..!!



Anyways..,,it is so nic..
I'll try making simple animation using flash..keep in touch here, I'll just pose here!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

--**Halu evEryone--**

Take a look of this video!

It is so funny..

To be scared instead, you'll be laugh at all!

It's a simple animation..

A little bit improvement is needed, for this video to be recognize wel..!!

But anyway!!
It is so nice!!

I like this!!
hopefully, >> makagawa tayo!!
Ang saya!!..

Thursday, August 28, 2008 myspace graphic comments
Myspace Funny Picture Comments & Graphics
A cute animation !!Hopefully for you also..
It's nice for me as of now, I dont have anything to criticize yet, coz I dont still have any knowledge about editting videos. I'm so excited to learn about video editting, so taht I can make tlike this also!!<>..


‘Where are the citizen journalists of Mindanao?’
Posted under Citizen Journalism, Elections
Journalist Dana Batnag put out this question in a blog entry dated August 11.
She writes:

Where are the bloggers of Mindanao, the citizen journalists who we have hoped would keep us updated on the ARMM elections? The ARMM elections are the first automated elections in the country. If all goes well, the government hopes to also automate the 2010 national elections. I was expecting blogs on the elections — how the machines worked and how the people reacted to them, even pictures on the voting precincts and the voters. I was told there had been no posts as of lunchtime, but maybe that was because the voting wasn’t over yet at that time.
This question is indeed very relevant if we compare this to what is happening in the United States. In a recent CNET article, bloggers were among those actively participating in the delivery of news and information to constituents. The article says:
It is true that the Democratic National Convention Committee handed credentials to a record number of bloggers for the Denver convention this week, but more nevertheless appear to have gathered at the Big Tent. Adding to the lure of the unofficial venue is that the workspace’s location on Wynkoop Street is around the corner from a multitude of restaurants and private parties, including a massive Tuesday reception organized by Emily’s List, a late-night jazz festival, and an AT&T-sponsored brewery bash.
With blogs allowing anyone who can write to publish their thoughts on the Internet, Batnag was expecting bloggers to be blogging about the first automated elections in the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao. She says:
The ARMM elections would have been a good time for citizen journalists to show what they can do and how much better a job of it they can do.
A quick search on Google produced this blog called, “Philippine Elections Journal,” which announced as early as April 4 that it was looking for ARMM Election bloggers. It didn’t get any reaction despite the promise of “$100 payment for every 20 approved articles.” This blog was set up by Filipino blogger Janette Toral.
Blog can be a way where people can express their suggestions and opinions. This can be a way where they can practise their freewill. It can help them to develop those things. Moreoevr, through Blog also, many people especially journalist or bloggers can have brain storming talking about the current issues of his/her country. Several people alos are expecting that BLOGS are usually updated and every current isuue is being published and asking for information , suggestions and so forth, but how is it there were no bloggers nor journalists who prefered to post some insights about the Automated Issue held last ARMM election. Maybe and probably all journalist and bloggers tend to post some information about the current issue also about ancestral domain, the BJE issue and which is more interesting. They also need to choose some issues that they know that will really lead to the curiosity of other readers of their blog and some other journalists and bloggers. So that conversation will be more interesting.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Companies not spending enough on digital advertising
By Lawrence Casiraya: Posted 16:37:00 08/14/2008

MANILA, Philippines -- Consumers are increasingly going "digital" but companies are not putting enough money on advertising and may be missing out on a profitable market, according to marketing firm OgilvyOne.

The company's definition of digital is not limited to mobile or the Internet; it also covers a broad range of stand such as billboards or kiosks through which digital content is delivered.
According to statistics presented by the company, traditional media (primarily print and TV) account for $455 billion in ad spending, dwarfing that devoted to digital platforms like Web and mobile estimated at around $55 billion.

Although industry figures show a trend favoring digital advertising, Cummings(digital marketing lead for OgilvyOne Singapore) admits most chief marketing officers are not yet comfortable with digital as an advertising medium.

"It's not so much about telling them what's going on, technology-wise, but making them know how they can use it to increase brand awareness," Cummings said in an interview.

Asked about the local market, Cummings believes the Philippines carries a lot of potential for digital advertising, given rising percentage of the country's population using the Internet.

"With digital, you need to be in a perpetual state of beta," she said. "It's about getting out a great idea rather than perfecting one first before starting a campaign."


As what the company is talking about that there are not just focusing on mobile or in the internet, we cannot say that they are not merely bothering not to have several advertisements, because they also do, billboards of kiosks. Moreover, they also explained, how their adverstisements expen cost, they illustrated that more expenses that is being poured out in having advertisements in television than advertisements on Internet. Imagine that, they also said that they can get more consumers in using Internet and much profitable in using Internet, because through Internet also, consumers might be so amazed, meaning it will be more attrctive when you do advertisements on Internet, amny consumerscan see it.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Online social networking sites are hacker playgrounds
Agence France-PresseFirst
Posted 10:40:00 08/08/2008

LAS VEGAS -- Computer security researchers on Thursday warned that online social networking websites are playgrounds for hackers who can easily take advantage of people's trust.

Opportunities for mischief abound as users place intimate details of their lives on profile pages and install mini-applications made by strangers that don't always have their privacy at heart.

In a trend pioneered with tremendous success by Facebook, social networking websites have opened their operating platforms to let outside developers craft fun, hip, or functional software "widgets" that can be added to profile pages.

Malicious code can be hidden in such applications, computer security specialists Nathan Hamiel and Shawn Moyer said at a premier Black Hat conference in Las Vegas.

"Don't put anything on a Facebook account that you don't consider public."

A pair of MySpace engineers who attended the demonstration said that hacks are known risks in today's social platforms and that they had Hamiel's application deleted by the end of the talk.

Fake postings on comment boards advising people to update software are ways to trick social network users into downloading malicious software that can commandeer control of machines, Hamiel said.

"Social networks really don't care if you get ‘pawned’ or not," Hamiel said, using the slang term “pwned” referring to a computer user or gamer being dominated and humiliated by hackers or a fellow gamer.

"It is not a problem with a particular site," Hamiel said. "It is a problem with social networking in general."

Even if tainted applications are deleted, the odds are that the data from profile pages was already copied onto an outside computer, according to Hamiel and Moyer.

"MySpace and Facebook have no control over my servers," Hamiel said. "Once the content is moved from their site they have no control over that."

Those thinking that they will stay safe by not having social networking pages may still vulnerable to trouble, according to the security specialists.

Another ruse is to create social networking profiles for people using information mined from the Internet and then for the imposters to send out "friends requests."

Those that take the bait give open doors to the private data in their profiles.
This issue is a very tricky issue. Why is that there's no agency who is prohibiting those hackers to manipulate and manipulate the private informations of the users or of the members of that site, just like for example the MySpace, most especially the Friendster, how come they are just allowing that to happen?
Many members or users of a social networking websites have no knowledge or don't know what is the importance of putting their informations in public, what would be it's advantages and disadvantages to them.
They fully trusted that website, that is if they put all their information there even if it is so confedential, they trusted that site that it would not be publicly be seen by other people unless consulting them.
Much better to do is that inform the users or those people using the social networking website that they should be careful of the information that they are putting because it will be publicly be posted and publicly be seen by everybody.
And tell them that if the information they are putting is private much better not to post them at the site.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

RSS Icon

Notebook Cover

Friday, July 11, 2008


Friday, May 30, 2008

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Vector image

Friday, May 2, 2008









Friday, April 25, 2008

Earth Day

It’s Never Too Late

They say it’s hard to bring back the things that already happened. It’s hard to replace the mistakes that you have already done. It’s difficult to solve the problems that cannot be solved anymore. Several people always thought of those practices, most especially Filipinos, they immediately giving up whenever problems took place in their lives. Some were committing suicide because they testified that their problems couldn’t be solved anymore. Everything has its own reason, why these matters happening? We instantly loose our hope when it came to happen that problems arose in our lives. We don’t even thought that there will be and always be a solution in every problems.

Problems in our society cannot really evade, yes, it’s expected. Why that is expected so? Well, nowadays people always criticized the others perform ances, they do not even consider their own mistakes. We were given so many problems in terms of destructions. Nevertheless, we were blaming it to God, sometimes, but yet, we do not think that we, ourselves, contributing some matter that goes into this destruction. Moreover, after you have contributed such things and yet do not know how to resolve it. We can do “Something”, yes, it’s just “Something” but that “Something” can be a great help for the changes of the society. People, all we need are just “UNITY”, if we have that; we can attain our desire that is to have a peaceful life. Isn’t it? We can contribute that in a greater sense. If we cannot help ourselves in such problems, how much more contributing some helps to our society? However, for all you know, we can do it; we can contribute things that will really save our society. Even conserving some things, conserving electricity, conserving foods, conserving energy, conserving water and most especially conserving money. It’s not too late; we can still solve those problems in our community. Open your eyes, for you to be able to see what was really happening, what was really the root of those problems and think about what you can do to save our “ MOTHER EARTH”.

We are “Just Human”, they thought, but do they even thought that we are “Human”? I mean were not “Just Human” but we are Human. We were created in the image and likeness of our “Father in Heaven”. Meaning we are all unique, and since we were created by our “Father in Heaven” we were Blessed, and we have received different gifts from Him, and precisely doesn’t want to appreciate all those gifts. Instead of expressing some gratitude to Him because of those gifts, we tend to think of the problems that always appear in our lives not knowing that it’s not him who is giving us those problems. Instead of appreciating the BLESSINGS, we inclined to BLAME him whenever those problems exist, not knowing that it’s not him who let your society destroy and who let you suffer. It was being stated that “FOR GOD SO LOVE THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON AND WHOSOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM SHALL NOT PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE”(John 3:16), then why would he wanted us to suffer?

Photo Montage

♥♥>>EArth dAy<<♥♥

♠++fE gRace++♠

Why not open our eyes to see the root of the problems?Moreover, realize that you, yourself is a contributor in the problem, I mean, you still have the mistakes that you don't even consider as a mistake. It's not too late and it's never too late to make some changes.We can still attain our desire in life, that is to have a peaceful life.Instead of blaming others for their mistakes, just think for a solution that will solve your problems.

Friday, April 18, 2008

"An Evaluation of the Corporate Identity of Western Mindanao State University"

Identification is very important matter in every aspect. For you to know where do such things are categorized to, you need to identify which company or university do it belongs. These companies or universities are representing some symbols for them to be identified and some also uses colors for them also to be recognized.

Red is being represented in Western Mindanao State University and it signifies their mission and vision being a university. According to (, there’s an abbreviation of the word “Red” it’s their mission, “Research, Extension and Development (RED)”.

(…) “Red is impulsive, excitable and energetic.” Moreover, this site states that red is an ambitious one, always want to be recognized and like to do their best. “This energy can be best used in the form of creative endeavor, leadership development and expansion”. The mission of the university is similar to the significance of the color in the said web. That is “…to educate and produce well trained, development-oriented and forward-looking professional and technical manpower for the socio-economic, political and technological development of the region and country. It shall endeavour to expand the frontiers of knowledge and its uses to society through research in technology, the natural physical and social sciences”, this is also according to (

Another connotation of the color is being explicated in the (
) as “…traditionally been associated with courage and love in Western culture, but in China, red is the color of happiness and good fortune.

Furthermore, another implication of color is explained in the web ( as “Passion, strength, energy, fire, love, sex, excitement, women, speed, heat, arrogance, ambition, leadership, masculinity, power, danger, gaudiness, blood, war, anger, revolution, radicalism, socialism, communism, aggression, summer, autumn, stop, Mars (planet), respect, Aries (star sign), December, the Roman Catholic Church, martyrs, the Holy Spirit”.

Red is being symbolized as an “action, confidence, courage and vitality” in the (

All of those implications from the different sources really emphasize to the mission and vision of the University. All of which were clearly stated and were really explained.

hEo evEeebAdEee!!

Nice to be with you!!
I'm now certified member here!!
how u doin'?
