Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It's been a while...

The last time I've heard about you, was the time you said I LIKE YOU!
I was amazed and did not knew what to do.
Am I going to show that you mean a lot to me too, or just let my pride ruin my gladness.
There's nothing new.
I end up being quiet and allowed the time passed without expressing how much you mean to me and how much I like you too!
After that moment..
I end up blaming my self.
Why did I let the opportunity wasted.

Reminiscing the moment with full of guiltiness.
My heart really broke that moment.
I was so blameless that moment.
I didn't knew how to react til I end up nothing...nothing...
I did loved you for almost 4 years.
Yet, end up realizing that, that was not LOVE afterall.
Because, if I did Loved you.
I should let you go.
It seems I'm putting my heart into jail and not attempting to escape!
HOw amazing moments I had during the time I'm desiring to have you in my life.
If I could only turn back the time.
Yet, everything was GOD's will!
How great is my GOD, how great is our GOD...
Amazing...When I met my Savior, all the pain was cured.
In just a moment...
I remember the time when I accepted HIM, that was also the time of new beginning...

I hope I encouraged your hearts through reading my diary...
And I hope, you will be encouraged also and come up realizing that everything happens because it's GOD's will.


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