Friday, August 15, 2008


Companies not spending enough on digital advertising
By Lawrence Casiraya: Posted 16:37:00 08/14/2008

MANILA, Philippines -- Consumers are increasingly going "digital" but companies are not putting enough money on advertising and may be missing out on a profitable market, according to marketing firm OgilvyOne.

The company's definition of digital is not limited to mobile or the Internet; it also covers a broad range of stand such as billboards or kiosks through which digital content is delivered.
According to statistics presented by the company, traditional media (primarily print and TV) account for $455 billion in ad spending, dwarfing that devoted to digital platforms like Web and mobile estimated at around $55 billion.

Although industry figures show a trend favoring digital advertising, Cummings(digital marketing lead for OgilvyOne Singapore) admits most chief marketing officers are not yet comfortable with digital as an advertising medium.

"It's not so much about telling them what's going on, technology-wise, but making them know how they can use it to increase brand awareness," Cummings said in an interview.

Asked about the local market, Cummings believes the Philippines carries a lot of potential for digital advertising, given rising percentage of the country's population using the Internet.

"With digital, you need to be in a perpetual state of beta," she said. "It's about getting out a great idea rather than perfecting one first before starting a campaign."


As what the company is talking about that there are not just focusing on mobile or in the internet, we cannot say that they are not merely bothering not to have several advertisements, because they also do, billboards of kiosks. Moreover, they also explained, how their adverstisements expen cost, they illustrated that more expenses that is being poured out in having advertisements in television than advertisements on Internet. Imagine that, they also said that they can get more consumers in using Internet and much profitable in using Internet, because through Internet also, consumers might be so amazed, meaning it will be more attrctive when you do advertisements on Internet, amny consumerscan see it.

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