Friday, April 25, 2008

Earth Day

It’s Never Too Late

They say it’s hard to bring back the things that already happened. It’s hard to replace the mistakes that you have already done. It’s difficult to solve the problems that cannot be solved anymore. Several people always thought of those practices, most especially Filipinos, they immediately giving up whenever problems took place in their lives. Some were committing suicide because they testified that their problems couldn’t be solved anymore. Everything has its own reason, why these matters happening? We instantly loose our hope when it came to happen that problems arose in our lives. We don’t even thought that there will be and always be a solution in every problems.

Problems in our society cannot really evade, yes, it’s expected. Why that is expected so? Well, nowadays people always criticized the others perform ances, they do not even consider their own mistakes. We were given so many problems in terms of destructions. Nevertheless, we were blaming it to God, sometimes, but yet, we do not think that we, ourselves, contributing some matter that goes into this destruction. Moreover, after you have contributed such things and yet do not know how to resolve it. We can do “Something”, yes, it’s just “Something” but that “Something” can be a great help for the changes of the society. People, all we need are just “UNITY”, if we have that; we can attain our desire that is to have a peaceful life. Isn’t it? We can contribute that in a greater sense. If we cannot help ourselves in such problems, how much more contributing some helps to our society? However, for all you know, we can do it; we can contribute things that will really save our society. Even conserving some things, conserving electricity, conserving foods, conserving energy, conserving water and most especially conserving money. It’s not too late; we can still solve those problems in our community. Open your eyes, for you to be able to see what was really happening, what was really the root of those problems and think about what you can do to save our “ MOTHER EARTH”.

We are “Just Human”, they thought, but do they even thought that we are “Human”? I mean were not “Just Human” but we are Human. We were created in the image and likeness of our “Father in Heaven”. Meaning we are all unique, and since we were created by our “Father in Heaven” we were Blessed, and we have received different gifts from Him, and precisely doesn’t want to appreciate all those gifts. Instead of expressing some gratitude to Him because of those gifts, we tend to think of the problems that always appear in our lives not knowing that it’s not him who is giving us those problems. Instead of appreciating the BLESSINGS, we inclined to BLAME him whenever those problems exist, not knowing that it’s not him who let your society destroy and who let you suffer. It was being stated that “FOR GOD SO LOVE THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON AND WHOSOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM SHALL NOT PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE”(John 3:16), then why would he wanted us to suffer?

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♥♥>>EArth dAy<<♥♥

♠++fE gRace++♠

Why not open our eyes to see the root of the problems?Moreover, realize that you, yourself is a contributor in the problem, I mean, you still have the mistakes that you don't even consider as a mistake. It's not too late and it's never too late to make some changes.We can still attain our desire in life, that is to have a peaceful life.Instead of blaming others for their mistakes, just think for a solution that will solve your problems.

Friday, April 18, 2008

"An Evaluation of the Corporate Identity of Western Mindanao State University"

Identification is very important matter in every aspect. For you to know where do such things are categorized to, you need to identify which company or university do it belongs. These companies or universities are representing some symbols for them to be identified and some also uses colors for them also to be recognized.

Red is being represented in Western Mindanao State University and it signifies their mission and vision being a university. According to (, there’s an abbreviation of the word “Red” it’s their mission, “Research, Extension and Development (RED)”.

(…) “Red is impulsive, excitable and energetic.” Moreover, this site states that red is an ambitious one, always want to be recognized and like to do their best. “This energy can be best used in the form of creative endeavor, leadership development and expansion”. The mission of the university is similar to the significance of the color in the said web. That is “…to educate and produce well trained, development-oriented and forward-looking professional and technical manpower for the socio-economic, political and technological development of the region and country. It shall endeavour to expand the frontiers of knowledge and its uses to society through research in technology, the natural physical and social sciences”, this is also according to (

Another connotation of the color is being explicated in the (
) as “…traditionally been associated with courage and love in Western culture, but in China, red is the color of happiness and good fortune.

Furthermore, another implication of color is explained in the web ( as “Passion, strength, energy, fire, love, sex, excitement, women, speed, heat, arrogance, ambition, leadership, masculinity, power, danger, gaudiness, blood, war, anger, revolution, radicalism, socialism, communism, aggression, summer, autumn, stop, Mars (planet), respect, Aries (star sign), December, the Roman Catholic Church, martyrs, the Holy Spirit”.

Red is being symbolized as an “action, confidence, courage and vitality” in the (

All of those implications from the different sources really emphasize to the mission and vision of the University. All of which were clearly stated and were really explained.

hEo evEeebAdEee!!

Nice to be with you!!
I'm now certified member here!!
how u doin'?
